Tuesday, February 14, 2017

good byes and Valentine's Day

I find it hard to sit down and write about what's going on in my life.  That is probably not a surprise to you, considering how sporadic my posts are.  Sometimes, it feels like too much is going on; or not enough; or stuff that I'm just not interested in sending out into the anonymous world of blog posts.  But, the thing is, I am more accountable when I am writing these posts...Editor's note: I started THIS blog at least 2 years ago!

I recently (at least 2 years ago) attended the graduation of a young lady that I hold very dear.  I have watched her grow from a precious, adorable baby.  She stole my heart when she was mere months old... and broke it several times with baby fits and cries of "Don't want it!" when I wanted to hug her.  She would crawl into my bed to cuddle - much more pleasant than an alarm clock. For a couple of months out of every year, I was part of her household; and ALWAYS I was a part of her family.

She graduated.  She is taller than me (and has been for several years), she has plans to join a world that I have no experience in.  Sometimes I wonder how or if I will remain in her life.  We live hours apart and the easy rapport we shared when she was little has definitely changed. It makes me a little sad.

But then, goodbyes of any kind make me sad.  Seriously, my husband can usually tell if a movie had a goodbye in it just by looking at how many Kleenex I've used.  I dread goodbyes, and sometimes I live a life of avoidance hoping to never have to say... well, you know.

Last week was my Mama's birthday, the second year we celebrated it without her.  This good-bye seems never ending, I am constantly remembering that she is not there to be excited with me about something...or to ask me to be excited with her.

The fact that her birthday is so close to Valentine's Day is...difficult.  My mother's biggest legacy in my life, the life of her "tribe", is love.  Her only goal in raising my brother and I was that we would know that we are loved.  For me, she was a living example of what Valentine's Day is about...a celebration of love, a chance to show our people that love.

This year, I want to tell you you are loved.  I am thankful for you.  I treasure the path that you've walked with me.  I hope I do this individually.  If/when I fail, this post (the first in AT LEAST 2 years) is going out into the cosmos to bless someone.



  1. February was certainly Karen's month. Karlie, once more on her birthday I heard the song that reminds me of Karen every time. The song is, "Come Saturday Morning" by the Sandpipers. It made me smile.

  2. Oh Karen Sue, never will be another one like you. Yeah, that song pulls up memories. ....


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