Christmas is a magical and intensely lonely time. That's been my experience these last several years. Last year, newly divorced and still grieving the absence of my magical Mama in this season, I chose to go away. It was the right choice. I visited my Daddy in New Hampshire and had a whole slew of new experiences, including taking a walk on the beach on Christmas Day.
This year, my work schedule required me to be at home for most of the holidays. Although I didn't view that prospect with the same dread that I had last year, it was still daunting. My home, my life, my friends are all rich with Christmas traditions shared with 2 large personalities. How was I going to manage?
As I sorted through ornaments to put on my lovely White Fir Christmas Tree (my favorite kind because it doesn't poke as much) I realized that not every ornament was special. In fact, not every ornament was even to my liking. So, I started to sort through them. As I sorted, I asked myself "Do I like this ornament? Why do I have it? Will I miss it?" Those that I knew I wouldn't miss will be popping up in Thrift Stores near me next Christmas.
It's like I was Marie Kondo-ing my Christmas tree...
Which made me think about all of the Christmas traditions swirling around in my head, waiting for me to make the time for them. I wasn't feeling most of them. I decorated my home, because what former Stage Manager doesn't love setting the scene. I made Wassail all season long. I made Pecan Tarts for a few lucky people. And that's about it. I had done most of my holiday shopping in the end of season sales right before I left Juneau in September, and I didn't even spend much time wrapping this year.
Instead, I watched some Christmas movies (although fewer than last year) and listened to a lot of Christmas music. On Christmas morning I went to work and shared in the Christmas morning of several guests. After work I drove six hours to visit my family in SE Missouri and arrived to game night. In case you were wondering, my team lost huge in Pictionary and won large in Guesstures.
And then, they followed it! That's not the same as me driving down to family for Christmas Day, a quick 6 hour trip to a well known and well loved destination. They loaded up their camels, gathered their entourage, financed expensive gifts and followed a star to an UN-known place, people and situation.
And I love that the 12 days of Christmas, the actual days not the song, begins on Christmas Day with joy and ends on Epiphany with the manifestation of the Christ Child's Divinity. Because that's what Epiphany is, "A manifestation of a divine or supernatural being, The manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12)"
I've got more to say about it all, but we are only 2/3 of the way through Epiphany. I'll save some for later! Until then,
Be Fruitful (YOUR way),
Lovely. Thank you for sharing your sweet Epiphany journey. Love you.